Facial Reconstruction

Facial Reconstruction

Dallas-Fort Worth Mandible & Jaw Reconstruction Surgery

Patients may develop jaw defects for a number of reasons. An injury due to facial trauma or infection can cause damage to the jaw bone. Defects may also be a result of flawed developmental processes. For some reason, the jaw may not develop fully in certain regions, leading to jaw defects. Some pathologic processes involving the jaw bone such as cysts, tumors, or head and neck cancers can lead to jaw deformities.

Regardless of the cause of a jaw defect, one of our oral and maxillofacial surgeons can help to restore the patient to form and function. Reconstruction of maxillary (upper jaw) and mandibular (lower jaw) may range from minor to major grafting procedures. This involves bone grafting, soft tissue grafting, or combined grafting procedures.

Each patient’s case is thoroughly evaluated to determine the most effective approach and the extent of the reconstruction. One of our Dallas-Fort Worth mandible and jaw reconstruction surgery experts will visually inspect the jaw and use imaging techniques to get a closer view of the involved structures. That data will then inform the oral surgeon’s approach to the procedure.

Reconstructive jaw surgery in Dallas-Fort Worth may involve a multitude of procedures that will give one of our oral and maxillofacial surgeons the ability to place dental implants to replace missing teeth and return the patient to form and function.

A jaw defect can affect your ability to chew, speak, or even breathe properly, and it can also have a negative impact on your appearance and your self-esteem. Surgical interventions can help correct jaw defects, restore the patient aesthetically, and give the patient the ability to chew and function properly.

Here at DFW Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, our Dallas-Fort Worth mandible and jaw reconstruction surgery experts use cutting-edge technology and 3D imaging and models as needed to determine the extent of the defect. After collecting all the clinical data and imaging, the surgical plan is determined precisely and the type of reconstruction is discussed. This helps us and you understand the surgical process, and the extent of the treatment prescribed, and achieve our goals with the utmost precision. Call our team to learn more about our jaw reconstruction and mandible surgery procedures in Dallas-Fort Worth, Irving, Mesquite, and Ennis, Texas.